In our previous blog about IcedID, we explored some of the changes in the malware and how it tries to evade detection. We also detailed how threat actors took advantage
Juniper Threat Labs has been monitoring a campaign that pushes a new IcedID banking trojan. This new campaign changes tactics by injecting into msiexec.exe to conceal itself and use
Juniper Threat Labs has been monitoring an IoT botnet that has been active in the wild since October 2, 2019. It exploits a vulnerability in Shenzhen TVT DVR NVMS-9000. The
Earlier in February, Juniper Threat Labs started to see a variant of Mirai attacks with an attempt to download a MIPS executable file to SOHO routers. We have seen Huawei
Dissecting the evolution of malware gives researchers insights into the knowledge of, and development processes used by, malware authors. Dota3, active in the wild, offers a unique opportunity to examine
Juniper Threat Labs discovered a family of Monero Miners that spreads through cloud storage providers such as OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox. It also has the ability to mutate or
Late in December 2019, someone I know received a notification from their credit card company stating a transaction for a purchase of substantial value was pending. Not recognizing the transaction,
In October, the FTC announced it had reached a settlement effectively shutting down Retina-X Studios, maker of MobileSpy, PhoneSheriff and TeenShield. According to the FTC: “Retina-X did not make sure
Atlassian Confluence is a collaboration tool that is used by organizations to create and share various documents related to marketing, design specifications, project planning, etc. It can be licensed both
Juniper Threat Labs is seeing a growing attack on Accept-Charset HTTP Header. This request header allows the client to indicate what character sets, i.e., ISO-8859-1 or utf-8, are available for